目里百货 OōEli Mall

优雅又兼容并蓄的目里百货 Elegant and inclusive OōEli Mall

六千平米空间,我们邀请来自美国芝加哥的艺术家Theaster Gates,将为每一层定制一件综合艺术装置,永久嵌入空间中,同时他也会参与道具与家具的设计中,配合我们严格挑选来自世界各地不同的设计师产品及品牌,希望营造既优雅又兼容并蓄的空间氛围。 For the space covering an area of 6,000 m2, we invite Artist Theaster Gates from Chicago, USA, to customize a comprehensive artistic installation for each storey, and permanently embed these installations into the space. In addition, he also participates in the design of props and furniture, and assists us in strictly choosing designer products and brands from all over the world, to create the elegant and inclusive space atmosphere.

Theaster Gates

身兼艺术家、策展人、城市学家,活跃在世界各地的展览、艺术节和收藏界,他的创作范畴涵盖雕塑、装置、表演及旨在建立生活与艺术之间桥梁的公共介入。2012年他花费1美元买下了芝加哥一座占地近1600平方米的建筑,并将它改造成了一个集艺术馆、媒体档案、图书馆和社区中心为一体的空间。 As an artist, exhibition planner and urbanologist, he is active in exhibitions, art festivals and collection circles. His creations cover sculptures, artistic installations, performance, and public intervention aiming at establishing the bridge between life and art. In 2012, he spent 1 US dollar in buying a building that covered a land area of nearly 1,600 m2 in Chicago, and reconstructed it into the space with an integration of art museums, media archives, libraries and community centers.

OōEli Mall
Ongoing activities