创造一个艺术事件的发生器 Create a generator of artistic events
天目里能量的中心,以世界美术馆标准打造,除了经典馆藏,将不断地为全球艺术家提供展览、交流、著作发布的平台,整个天目里也会向有兴趣的艺术家开放合作,打破空间的限制,让我们深处在其中,却不知道自然在哪里终了,艺术在哪里开始。 This is the center of OōEli energy, built according to the world art museum standard, having a great number of classic collections, to continuously provide global artists with the exhibition, exchange and works release platform. The entire OōEli will be open to the artists who are interested in cooperation, to break the limitation of space, and immerse us in it, so that we do not know where the end of nature is, and where the beginning of art is.
更多精彩,请访问BY ART MATTERS 天目里美术馆网站
N.0 邀请了八位杭州本地青年艺术家。一天呈现以为艺术家的作品,七天更迭,第八天群展作为落幕。 N.0 invites eight local young artists from Hangzhou. One artist’s works are presented on one day. These artists’ works are alternately shown within 7 days. This activity is ended with the group exhibition on the eighth day.
N.1 以一个比较慢的步调,在现今艺术以极快速度在极短时间内消耗的环境下,在沿街商铺的一个临时空间提出长期装置的展览计划。 At a slower pace, under the environment that the current art is consumed at a very high speed in a very short time, N.1 puts forward the exhibition plan for long-term installations in the temporary space of shops along streets.
N.2 超越地域的限制,来到北京一间商店做一场关于空间,尺度和时间的展览。 Beyond the regional limitation, N.2 makes an exhibition about space & dimension and time in a shop in Beijing.
从 “a” 念出口,“啊”字当仁不让蹿上脑门。 From the "a" to read out, "ah" should not be allowed to jump on the forehead.
艺术的出场也许始于某个偶然事件,经历几亿次叠加,成为今天的样子。这其中丰富的不可知,吸引着人们去探索。 The appearance of art may have started from some accidental event, experienced hundreds of millions of times of superposition, and became what it is today. The rich unknowns attract people to explore.
自艺术家的切割后,“耳朵”有别于其他器官,独立成一个“意象”。艺术家们乐于挖掘其间无穷无尽的情感力,愉乐或沉思,诉诸和发泄。 Since the artist's cutting, "ear" is different from other organs and becomes an "image" independently. Artists are willing to tap the endless emotional power, pleasure or meditation, appeal and vent.
本期的小 i ,有一种弱小无助的感觉,需要借助诸如 y 等声母大佬打头,才能争取到一个完整意义的角色,哪怕榨出的是“椅子”这样看上去很普通的词。 In this issue of little i, there is a weak and helpless feeling. We need to start with the help of such initials as y to win a complete role, even if it is a common word like "chair".
第5期要榨的字是雾,雾通常发生在相对湿度接近100%时,和云的不同在于,云生成于大气的高层,而雾接近地表,雾比云接地气。 The word to be squeezed in phase 5 is fog. Fog usually occurs when the relative humidity is close to 100%. The difference between fog and cloud is that clouds are generated in the upper atmosphere, while fog is close to the surface, and fog is closer to the earth than a cloud.
新一年的开始,想和你谈谈欲望这件事。 At the beginning of the new year, I want to talk to you about desire.
暂时无法相拥的日子,爱并未停止生长。 When we can't hold each other for a while, love doesn't stop growing.