下沉庭院 Sunken Courtyard
交给了日本枯山水的大师 — 枡野俊明。
Our sunken courtyard is given to Shunmyo Masuno,
the master of Japanese Rock Garden.
下沉庭院的魅力是通过庭院与建筑底层绿地的坡差产生的,跟一览无余的平层庭院设计相比,这种隐于内的庭院含而不露,别有一番韵味。 The charm of the sunken courtyard is generated by the slop difference between the courtyard and the green land on the ground floor of the building. Compared with the unobstructed flat courtyard design, this hidden courtyard is mysterious and obscure, with unique charm.
Wind, water and space
are the theme of three Zen courtyards.
我们共有11个下沉庭院,其中3个下沉庭院的营造,由日本枯山水的大师——枡野俊明及其团队亲手打造。风、水、空,三个禅的庭院主题,自北向南,空间的意味在无声中却是流动与呼应的。 We have 11 sunken courtyards. Among them, 3 courtyards are created by Shunmyo Masuno as the master of Japanese Rock Garden, and his team. Wind, water and space are the theme of three Zen courtyards. From north to south, the meaning of space flows and echoes silently.
枡野俊明 Shunmyo Masuno
A Major Representative of Japanese Rock Garden
The 18th-generation Abbot of Jiangong Temple as the Ancient Temple of Japan